
Friday, 17 October 2014 10:59 Edit by  来源:CRI 作者 亚明 Published in 加国新闻


在太平洋岸边的不列颠·哥伦比亚省,每年秋季还有一项越来越吸引人的游览项目- 到河边观看数以百万计的红鲑鱼由太平洋洄游。那也被称为世界最壮观的自然奇观之一。鲑鱼,也叫三文鱼,或大马哈鱼,要回到其出生的河流中产卵,每四年会有一个高峰期。今年就正是大年,数以百万计的红鲑鱼洄游产卵。

在坎卢普斯东北部的省立公园, 每年都会举办“向鲑鱼致敬“的节庆活动, 今年是从上个星期五开始,到10月26日结束。总共会有超过25万人来到亚当斯河边,观赏清澈的河水下面密密麻麻的红鲑鱼,正在奋力逆流而上。即使站在河边看一整天,也看不见鱼群的减少。毛米莱克·卡尔森女士每年都会在这个季节来亚当斯河边观赏鲑鱼洄游。她说:“我是想来看这些生命的奇迹。也许有人会想,这些鱼洄游产卵后, 就会死亡,象征生命的结束。而我则觉得,这是生命的延续,预示着新的开始。


在菲沙河谷地区,渔民们从8月中就开始张网捕鱼了,他们只需每周工作几个小时,就能捕到额定数量的鲑鱼。 巴里·罗森伯格是菲沙河谷地区渔业和海洋部主管,他说,菲沙河去年是鲑鱼洄游的大年,而且是1913年以来的最高峰,约有3000万鲑鱼洄游。而一般的年份平均会有460万鲑鱼洄游。 这一大自然的奇景正在吸引越来越多的外国游客。他说,我们接待的游客来自中国、韩国、日本、菲律宾,还有南美洲来的,南非来的。

他介绍说,在菲沙河的鲑鱼中有80%到90%属于每四年一次的洄游高峰。今年是回归平均水平,远远好于四年前。当时由于各种原因, 鲑鱼种群的数量大幅下降,洄游的只有约150万条。当地还组成了一个委员会,召集相关人士举行听证会,探讨为什么原来预期会有上千万鲑鱼洄游,结果却只有100多万。最后得出的结论包括,地球气候变暖,海洋生物变化,鲑鱼出生环境受到破坏,以及过度的捕捞。因此,海夫顿认为,在河边举行讲座也是对民众讲解自然知识和环保意识的课堂,他在讲解中说:“我们面临的挑战是,如何清理海洋,如何成为环境的有效管理者。因为当这些野生动物变成珍惜物种时,就是给我们发出的清晰信号。大自然也像煤矿,不是采掘不尽的”。

现在经过多方面的努力,终于又看到了鲑鱼数量的回升。当地渔业协会的副主席鲍勃·麦卡梅说,在今年8月开始捕鱼的第一周,有275艘船撒了刺网。 每条船捕获的鱼约有150?200条。这些红鲑鱼都非常漂亮,平均体重约2.7公斤,售价则为每磅两加元。也有的渔民能直接找到愿意买整条鱼的买家, 那一条鱼就可以卖15至20加元。

渔民们现在可以得到较高的收入了,这是一个好消息。他说:“你可以见到他们在河边脸上出现的笑容”。 加拿大广播公司的网站上列出了观赏红鲑鱼洄游的6个最佳地点。

If you're hoping to watch the sockeye salmon jumping as they swim up the Fraser River, you'll want to make some time to head to the water's edge this week.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada says there could be as many as 23 million sockeye returning to spawn this year, after three years out in the open water.

To find out the best places to spot the salmon run along the Fraser and beyond, CBC Radio One's On the Coast spoke with Rod Clapton, president of the B.C. Federation of Drift Fishers.

He's been out on the water catching sockeye as a recreational fisherman, and he had a few recommendations for places to go to spot the run from land:

1) The Steveston docks and Garry Point Park, Richmond

These spots are at the mouth of the Fraser River, and you may see more salmon jumping because they're fresh off the ocean and still very active.

2) Ladner Harbour Park, Ladner

Head to the banks of the Fraser and you should see fish jumping. Clapton said on Friday that he'd heard reports that fish were leaping all over the place in this area.

3) Westminster Quay, New Westminster

You may have to be patient if you salmon-spot from New Westminster. Keep in mind they go through in schools, so there may be nothing for an hour or so at a time, Clapton said.

"Then you'll see fish breaking water, which is demonstrating you've got another school passing by on their voyage up to the Adams River," he said. ?

4) Island 22 Regional Park, Chilliwack

Go to the boat launch at the park: "It really gives you an indication of just how huge the recreational fishery is," Clapton said.

5) Peg Leg Bar, Chilliwack

Head to the boat launch at the north end of Young Road or continue to the gravel bar at the end of McSween Road, where you should spot some fish and should also get a chance to watch the people fishing for them.

6) Adams River at Shuswap Lake

Fish should be jumping until the end of the month, said Clapton. If you miss the salmon in the Lower Mainland over the next week or two, you can always head out to the Adams River at Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park.

As they enter the river the salmon are silver-white and as they get to the Adams River, watch for the fish to turn red — that means they're ready to spawn.

题图: CBC

Last modified on Friday, 17 October 2014 14:47