
Tuesday, 23 January 2018 10:22 Edit by  CCNews 报道 Published in 社区新闻


日前,在刚刚结束的2017-2018Hydro Dynamics为主题的 FLL(First Lego League)比赛中Dr X Workshop 今年又再创佳绩,其中一个刚刚获得省级晋级资格的参赛队伍 Curiosity 荣幸得被邀请到Olympiads School 分享过去几个月的所学所感和比赛经历,并借此机会推广了FLL(First Lego League) 比赛,让更多的孩子喜欢乐高,激发他们对科学和技术的兴趣 。当天有上百名家长及孩子冒着严寒参加了此次活动。

这支由九至十三岁小朋友组成的团队,在此次讲座中介绍了FLL(First Lego League) 团队合作的核心价值观、项目课题、以及机器人设计, 小队员们分享了比赛过程中的收获、经验和成果,每个队员都有属于自己的感人故事,他们通过FLL(First Lego League) 学会了从跌倒中爬起、用正面的心态面对竞争,学会了包容、合作、锲而不舍的精神,也增强了自信。

在活动中孩子们就如何在辅导员指导下使用Lego Mindstorms 产品和LEGO积木为机器人进行设计、搭建、编程工作来解决现实问题以及如何通过准备比赛提高创新科技、领导力和团队合作等软技能进行了答疑。现场的嘉宾们非常欣赏孩子们的做法,并鼓励孩子们把这样的活动更深入的推广,以影响和帮助更多的人。现在,Team Curiosity 的队员们又投入到紧张的备赛中,预祝Team Curiosity 在省赛中再传佳音!

Growing Up with FLL Robotics Challenges

Dr X Workshop had another excellent season this year in the First Lego League (FLL) 2017/18 Hydro Dynamics Robotics Competition, 4 out of 11 participating teams representing the workshop were qualified for the FLL provincial level competition. Team members of the newly qualified team Curiosity were invited to the Olympiads School on Saturday Jan 13th. During the 2 hour event, they not only shared their unique and thrilling experiences with the audience, but also took the opportunity to promote the FLL competition, so that more young LEGO lovers can participate in the near future and have a great early exposure to science and technology, more specifically artificial intelligence. A group of over 100 parents and children attended the event despite the uncooperative weather.

Team Curiosity is a group of 10 kids between age nine and thirteen. They introduced all the 3 components of the FLL competition to the audience, including core values, project topics and robotics design. Each team member shared their own personal experiences and insights. During the competition including the preparation, they experienced how to face obstacles, competitions and failures. They also learned how to remain confident, persevent and positive. Above all, the most important lesson they’ve learn was about team spirit, how to compromise, to cooperate and to work towards a goal.

During the Q&A section, Team Curiosity answered questions about how they used the Lego Mindstorms products to design, build, and program robots solving real-life problems with coach from the Dr. X workshop. Also, there were questions regarding how the competition provided a great opportunity to develop soft skills such as leadership and teamwork. The audience truly appreciated Team Curiosity’s efforts and time, they wished Team Curiosity all the bests in the coming provincial competition!

Last modified on Tuesday, 23 January 2018 15:54